Best Under Cabinet Lighting

Brighten Up! Easy Under Cabinets Lighting in 7 Steps

Brighten your space with trendy under cabinets lighting! Discover easy steps for installing LED, hardwired, wireless, and low voltage options today.

Seriously, under-cabinet shadows used to drive me crazy! Chopping veggies was a guessing game, and forget about reading recipes without a flashlight. But then I added under cabinet lighting, and let me tell you, it’s like a kitchen miracle! Suddenly, everything was bright and clear – no more squinting to tell a red onion from a shallot. It’s not just functional though, the lights actually make my kitchen look sleek and modern. In this guide, we’ll unveil the magic of under cabinet lighting in 7 easy steps. We’ll cover all the options, from fancy LEDs to fuss-free wireless lights, so you can banish those shadow monsters and create a kitchen you love!

I’ll cover all the different options, from fancy LEDs to easy-to-install wireless lights, so you can find the perfect fit for your kitchen and banish those shadow monsters for good!

Step 1: Understand the Types of Under Cabinet Lighting

Before we jump into the fun part (installing those lights!), let’s talk about the different under-cabinet lighting options. Knowing your choices is key to picking the perfect ones to banish those shadow monsters in your kitchen. We’ll cover everything from fancy LEDs to fuss-free wireless lights, so you can find the best fit for your space and create a kitchen that’s both bright and beautiful!

LED Under Cabinet Lighting

LED under cabinet lighting is a clear winner for a reason. Imagine leaving your under cabinet lights on all night without worrying about your electricity bill skyrocketing. That’s the magic of LEDs! They’re incredibly energy-efficient, saving you money in the long run. Plus, their long lifespan means saying goodbye to those frantic searches for replacement bulbs under the cabinets. No more frustration, just a brightly lit kitchen whenever you need it! And the best part? LEDs give off a bright, even light that’s perfect for seeing everything clearly, without getting hot like some other options. No more accidentally singeing your fingers while reaching for the spice rack!

Hardwired Under Cabinet Lighting

Craving a sleek, professional look for your under-cabinet lighting? Hardwired options are your best bet! These lights connect directly to your home’s electrical system, offering a clean and permanent solution. They’re perfect if you’re looking for a long-term upgrade and feel comfortable with a little DIY electrical work (or are willing to call in a pro for some extra peace of mind).

Wireless Under Cabinet Lighting

Not a fan of electrical work? No problem! Wireless under cabinet lighting is your saving grace. These battery-powered beauties are a breeze to install – no drilling, wiring, or electrician needed. Plus, they’re super flexible. Need to move them? Simply detach and reattach them in a snap. They’re perfect for renters or anyone who wants a hassle-free lighting solution that can adapt to their needs.

Low Voltage Under Cabinet Lighting

Want the benefits of under cabinet lighting without the worry of dealing with high voltage? Low voltage options are your friend! They operate at a safer level than standard household electricity, offering peace of mind for even the most DIY-cautious folks. Plus, they’re still super energy-efficient, so you can enjoy bright lighting without a hefty electricity bill. While they might require a transformer (think of it like an adapter!), it’s a small step for a major upgrade in safety and efficiency.

Step 2: Plan Your Layout

Now that you’re a pro on under cabinet lighting options, let’s get to the fun part: planning your lighting layout! Think about the zones in your kitchen that need the most light. For most kitchens, this is prime real estate under the cabinets on your countertops. Here’s a handy tip: grab your measuring tape and measure the length of those cabinets. This will help you figure out how many lights you’ll need and where to place them for the ultimate brightness. We want to banish those under-cabinet shadows for good, so even light distribution is key!

Step 3: Gather Your Materials

For this step, you’ll need a few essential materials and tools:

  • Your chosen type of under cabinet lighting
  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil or marker
  • Drill and drill bits
  • Screwdriver
  • Adhesive strips (if using wireless lights)
  • Wire connectors (if using hardwired lights)
  • Transformer (if using low voltage lights)
  • Safety goggles and gloves

Having everything ready before you start will make the process smoother and more efficient.

Step 4: Install the Lights

Installing LED Under Cabinet Lighting

Here’s a breakdown of how to install different types of under cabinet lighting:

Shining Bright with LEDs:

  1. Mark Your Masterpiece: Grab your trusty measuring tape and pencil. Mark the spots where each LED light will go for even illumination. Remember, we want to say goodbye to those dark corners!
  2. Mount the Magic: Most LED lights come with handy mounting brackets. Secure these to the underside of your cabinets using screws. Now, your lights have a place to call home!
  3. Connect the Crew: Snap the LED lights into their brackets and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for connection. For plug-in models, simply find a nearby outlet and plug them in – easy peaky!

Hardwiring for a Long-Term Glow:

Safety First! Before you get started, make sure the power is off in the area where you’ll be working. Safety is no joke!

  1. Wire Your Way: Drill holes in your cabinets to run the wires for the lights. Using wire connectors, connect these wires to your home’s electrical system. Think of it like an intricate under-cabinet light puzzle!
  2. Mount and Marvel: Secure the lighting fixtures under your cabinets, basking in the knowledge that you’re about to create a brightly lit haven.
  3. Light Show Time! Once everything is connected, flip the power back on and test your lights. Let there be light!

Wireless Wonders: Hassle-Free Illumination

  1. Mark Your Territory: Decide where you want your lights to shine and mark those spots. No measuring needed here!
  2. Adhesive Awesomeness: Most wireless lights come with user-friendly adhesive strips. Simply attach these strips to the underside of your cabinets and voila, your lights are in place!
  3. Power Up! Pop in the batteries and turn on your wireless lights. The beauty of these lights is that you can relocate them as needed, offering ultimate flexibility.

Hardwiring for a Long-Term Glow:

Safety First! Before you get started, make sure the power is off in the area where you’ll be working. Safety is no joke!

  1. Wire Your Way: Drill holes in your cabinets to run the wires for the lights. Using wire connectors, connect these wires to your home’s electrical system. Think of it like an intricate under-cabinet light puzzle!
  2. Mount and Marvel: Secure the lighting fixtures under your cabinets, basking in the knowledge that you’re about to create a brightly lit haven.
  3. Light Show Time! Once everything is connected, flip the power back on and test your lights. Let there be light!

Installing Low Voltage Under Cabinet Lighting

  1. Mount the Transformer: Find a suitable location for the transformer and mount it securely.
  2. Run the Wires: Drill holes in your cabinets and run the wires from the transformer to the lighting fixtures.
  3. Connect the Lights: Connect the lights to the transformer using the provided connectors.
  4. Test the Lights: Once connected, test the system to ensure everything is working correctly.

Step 5: Hide the Wires

No one wants a tangled mess under their cabinets! Keeping your wires neat and tidy not only looks sharp, but more importantly, prevents safety hazards. For hardwired and low voltage systems, exposed wires could pose a risk. To avoid any zaps (of the metaphorical kind!), use cable clips or adhesive strips to secure the wires neatly along the underside of your cabinets. Think of it as giving your wires their own little highway – safe, organized, and ready to deliver light to your kitchen!

Step 6: Add Finishing Touches

Now that your under cabinets lighting is installed and working, it’s time to add the finishing touches. If you used wireless or plug-in lights, consider using cable covers to hide visible cords. For hardwired setups, make sure all connections are secure and neat. Adding dimmer switches can also be a great idea, giving you adjustable lighting levels for various tasks and moods.

Step 7: Enjoy Your New Lighting

With your under cabinets lighting installed, step back and admire the transformation. See how it brightens your workspace, making it more inviting. Whether you’re cooking, working, or enjoying a cup of coffee, the improved visibility and ambiance make a significant difference.

Under Cabinet Lighting


Best Under Cabinet Lighting Options

1. Philips Hue Lightstrip Plus

  • Features: Customizable color options, smart control via app or voice assistant, easy installation with adhesive backing.
  • Pros: Versatile, integrates with smart home systems, can be extended for larger areas.
  • Cons: Higher price point, requires a hub for full functionality.

2. GE Enbrighten LED Under Cabinet Light

  • Features: Plug-in installation, direct wire option, dimmable, linkable up to 30 fixtures.
  • Pros: Bright and even lighting, easy to install, energy-efficient.
  • Cons: Limited color options (only white light).

3. LEPOTEC Motion Sensor Cabinet Light

  • Features: Motion sensor activation, rechargeable battery, magnetic strip for easy attachment.
  • Pros: Convenient for areas with no electrical outlets, energy-saving, portable.
  • Cons: Battery needs periodic recharging, not as bright as wired options.

4. Brilliant Evolution Wireless LED Puck Lights

  • Features: Battery-operated, touch or remote control, adhesive backing, dimmable.
  • Pros: Easy to install, flexible placement, cost-effective.
  • Cons: Requires frequent battery replacement, not as powerful as plug-in lights.

5. Armacost Lighting RibbonFlex Pro LED Tape Light Kit

  • Features: Flexible tape design, cut to fit, dimmable, adhesive backing.
  • Pros: Customizable lengths, discreet and modern look, energy-efficient.
  • Cons: Requires a power supply and possibly additional connectors, installation can be tricky.

6. Litever Under Cabinet LED Lighting Kit

  • Features: Hardwired or plug-in options, dimmable, ultra-slim design, linkable bars.
  • Pros: Bright and uniform light, versatile installation options, reliable performance.
  • Cons: More complex installation, slightly higher price point.

Additional Tips for Under Cabinets Lighting

1. Choose the Right Color Temperature: The color temperature of your lights can greatly influence the feel of your space. Warm white (2700K-3000K) creates a cozy atmosphere, while cool white (3500K-5000K) is perfect for task lighting.

2. Consider Smart Lighting: Smart under cabinet lighting lets you control your lights with your smartphone or voice commands, adding convenience and boosting energy efficiency.

3. Energy Efficiency: Choose LED lights whenever possible. They use less energy and last longer than traditional bulbs, making them a smart, cost-effective choice.

4. Regular Maintenance: Keep your lights clean and dust-free to maintain their brightness. For wireless lights, regularly check and replace batteries as needed.


Feeling like your kitchen is stuck in the shadows? Under-cabinet lighting is more than just an upgrade; it’s a kitchen revolution! Now that you’ve explored the different lighting options and these 7 simple steps, you’re ready to banish the darkness and create a space that’s both stunning and functional. Imagine whipping up meals bathed in bright, even light, or simply enjoying a more inviting workspace. Get ready to transform your kitchen from under-the-radar to a shining star!

Imagine prepping meals under a bright, even light, or simply enjoying a more welcoming workspace. Whether you choose sleek LEDs, convenient wireless lights, or another option, you’ll be amazed at the difference. Remember, a little planning and attention to detail go a long way (and ensure a safe and successful installation!). So, grab your tools, unleash your inner lighting guru, and get ready to transform your space!. With a little effort and the right materials, you can transform your space with beautiful and practical under cabinets lighting.

So, why wait? Brighten up your home today and see the difference quality under cabinets lighting can make!

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